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Rebels & Nomads of Caprice

The term Liberati was orginally used to identify one of the people who chose to live on the highlands of Caprice rather than the Cat’s Eye trench, but it has come to encompass all those working to undermine the Terran invaders. While the Liberati rebels and the Liberati nomads are two separate entities, they are tied together quite closely. Most nomads will assist and even hide CEF fugitives, assist in raids if asked and provide support within their capacity. In turn, the rebels will do the same for the nomads. It is this exchange of assistance that enabled the rebellion to survive for this long.

In addition to the nomads, however, the Liberati rebels also enjoy the secret support of the Coalition. Caprice’s civilian government supplies them with weapons, information and resources when necessary, and turns a blind eye when the Liberati need access to restricted areas.

The Liberati are not as well equipped nor as large a fighting force as the CEF. They are extremely well-organized, however, and are adept at keeping a low profile. In some cases, they have even managed to camouflage sabotage operations and assassinations so effectively that the CEF did not suspect their involvement in the matter. Thus far, the Liberati have played their cards cautiously.

In recent years, the Liberati movement has been growing in Gommorrah. More citizens are joining, if only in an observer or reserve member status. The number of active members has remained static, but the support base has increased twelvefold. Liberati rebels know they need more troops, but it is still a dangerous time to organize a standing army and the organization lacks the resources to supply their expanding membership. So, for the time being, the Liberati are still divided into cells until such a time they can support larger groups.

Major Liberati Groups

Though the Liberati are often presented as a unified block to outsiders, there are in fact composed of a large number of very distinct families and factions. A Liberati worker hailing from the Disorra Desert will not have the same dialect and dress as one from the Hoert Highlands, or one from the Nedana Hills. Each region has its own social peculiarities based on its history and relative isolation.

The three major Liberati social groups are the Van Daar, the Roy and the So-Doura. The Van Daar are the oldest, tracing their history back for nearly a thousand years. They have a well-established network of connections and, some say, have ties with the largest Caprician corporations. Most of the Van Daar holdings are located in and around the Capra Wastelands.

The Roy are the second most numerous group, though they have neither the connections nor the long history of the Van Daar. Their current wealth and prestige can be traced back to the connections they formed during the aborted Bastille Omega project. Most of their settlements and outposts are found in the Soekar Range and the eastern regions of the Hoert Highlands.

The So-Doura are not a faction as such, but more of a loose group of families gathered together under a single banner for protection and influence. Members of the So-Doura are generally nomadic, their caravans being found anywhere on the planet (though mostly in the Cora Desert and surrounding regions) .