Peace River

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Peace River was a city-state located in the Badlands. Its ruling government was Paxton Arms, the company in charge of the Peace River Defense Corps.


Peace River was founded by Ebert Paxton in TN 1595, who left the Mekong Dominion and purchased an oasis tower with rich mineral deposits nearby. From there, he created Paxton Mining. Paxton Mining grew and diversified into the manufacture of mining machines, but still struggled in the face of practices than benefited the polar leagues. Following St. Vincent's War (TN 1723-29), the president of Paxton Mining at the time, Kyle Oglin, foresaw that the polar nations, devastated by the war, would still continue military operations. Oglin took idle factories and started the manufacture of armaments. As profits soared, Paxton Mining became Paxton Arms in TN 1750.

When the CEF invaded Terra Nova in TN 1913, Peace River declared itself neutral in the conflict. However, this was a bid for time, as Peace River established a network of contacts and stockpiled arms. In TN 1916 it unleashed the Peace River Army into lightly defended rear lines of the CEF.

When the War of the Alliance ended in TN 1917, long-supressed social and political dilemmas were brought to light within Paxton Arms. Despite careful social reforms and the creation of the Peace River Defense Force, it struggled during the period after the War of the Alliance. [1]


Peace River was caught between both polar powers during the Interpolar War. In TN 1939, it proposed peace talks between the two polar nations in order to end the conflict. However, shortly before the peace talks were to take place, an anti-matter bomb sneaked into the heart of the city by covert CEF operators exploded and destroyed most of it. [2]

The loss of Peace River City was a massive hit for all Terra Novans. However, for the citizens of Peace River the loss struck to their core. The people of Peace River owe Earth a blood debt which they are eager to repay in full. Fortunately for Paxton, most of its important manufacturing facilities were protected underground or spread amongst inconspicuous Badland installations in places like the Karaq Wastes. While this allowed for a rapid reconstruction phase, it did not come without new struggles. Despite these struggles, it was not long after this that the Black Talon program was officially started.



  1. Heavy Gear RPG Rulebook 2nd Edition (p. 33)
  2. Heavy Gear Blitz Rulebook, 3rd Edition (p. 10)