Légion Noire

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Légion Noire Emblem

The Légion Noire is not a regiment, but rather an entire Special Operations Légion within the SRA. In an army full of glory hounds and braggarts, the Légion stand out as being the loudest and most brash. The entirety of the Légion is devoted to strike and covert operations and has access to more stealth technology and high-end commando gears than any other group within the South. This puts them in the enviable position of being the best trained, best armed group on Terra Nova, something they will let other army members know repeatedly.

In a dangerous display of internal one-upmanship, Légion Regiments often “defend their honor” by picking fights with renowned Northern Regiments that have “wronged” them or otherwise wounded their pride. SR command has not yet cracked down on this as it reinforces the behavioral traits they want their most lethal of tools to display. In fact, wholesale slaughter of enemies and bystanders is given a blind eye as it reinforces the Légion’s reputation as ruthless and dangerous.

Légion Noire Auxilliary

The Auxilliary is a group of MILICIA members trained in the Légion’s methodology and patterns. Members of both the Auxiliary and the Légion itself wear black armbands with a red and white knife and skull pattern to distinguish themselves. The Auxiliary is generally given jobs deemed distasteful, dishonorable or simply “below” the Légions standards. They are generally looked down upon by the MILICIA for being SRA “wannabes” and doing dirty jobs for others, thus bringing down the MILICIA’s already poor reputation. The Auxiliary and the Légion will operate together and in fact, some Légion regiments consist of both full Légion members and Auxiliary troops-in-training.