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Redjacket & Landship

Terranovan Landships are quite a sight to behold. Together, they form the planet’s equivalent of a wet navy and are best described as land-going ships. Using a combination of magnetic repulsion and ground effect technologies, these behemoths glide mere centimeters above the sandy surfaces of the Badlands and the polar savannahs, patrolling them as they would oceans.

Landships would have been impossible anywhere else but on Terra Nova: the planet’s peculiar magnetic properties, strengthened by the presence of large quantities of monopoles within its crust, allow considerable mass to be lifted if one knows how to generate and regulate the specific field required. The repulsor arrays of landships are calibrated precisely to avoid the deadly radiation and heat effects normally associated with high energy magnetic fields.

The exact science behind the repulsors is still vague; it is said that only a handful of scientists ever fully understood the theory behind it, and new designs are merely extrapolations of their work. Most engineers agree that these repulsors work on deeper sub-atomic levels than simple magnetic repulsion (the energy normally required to lift such mass would fry anything within a few kilometers radius).

Landships are expensive to build and maintain, so each league only has a few of the largest ones. Landship versus landship confrontations are rare and always very spectacular.
