Shaian Mechanics

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Shaian Mechanics was founded in TN 1813, the result of several smaller machine-parts companies in Kenema deciding to combine their resources. In addition, Shaian began rapidly recruiting engineers from the top ranks of graduating technical school classes, bolstering its talent pool immensely. This, combined with an infusion of capital from the estate of its founding member, Weng Shaian, gave Shaian Mechanics a solid base to grow on.

Within twenty cycles, Shaian Mechanics became the leading producer of articulated frames and actuators in the CNCS. Shaian’s clients included not only the industrial giant Northco, but also the Hartmore Motor Company and other, smaller concerns. In time, it began producing vehicles as well, including the reliable Badger APC.

Shaian also had a hand in Gear production, aiding Northco on the Grizzly project and, with that experience, successfully bidding on several others, including the lucrative Cheetah project. With the Cheetah, Shaian was given its chance to shine, one that it did not shirk. The machine was given priority over all others, and the company’s best engineers went to work on the project. The target speed of 85 kph was superseded by the prototype’s actual speed of 91.6 kph, making the Cheetah the fastest Gear in existence. Shaian Mechanics had been redesigning the machine for even greater agility when the first CEF ships appeared in Terranovan space.

With the war effort, Shaian’s engineers once more went into full tilt, upgrading the design of the Badger (which had been stagnating of late) into the more durable Rabid Badger. The Cheetah received the attentions of Shaian’s engineers as well — the Strike Cheetah proved itself one of the most effective machines ever fielded by the Northern Guard. Other variants soon followed, including the White Cat electronic warfare Gear. The crown jewel in Shaian’s pantheon, however, is the Black Cat project (a joint effort with Hyperion Werks and Racetech) which firmly established it in the ranks of Terra Nova’s top military contractors.

Shaian Mechanics is one of the most successful corporations on Terra Nova today. Although by no means as large as Northco, Shaian threatens to usurp the industry giant’s dominance in the field of Gear design. Coordinator Tetsuko Hatsushiba is optimistic about his company’s future, citing the recent success with their upgraded Cheetah Mk II, which is currently on the proving grounds.

Demand for actuators pioneered by the original Cheetah project is on the rise of late as the Northern Guard prepares to overhaul older models currently in service. A proposal is also currently on the table for a more specialized Cheetah to be used by regimental duelists. This new model would be designed to supplant the Nemesis Jaguar (produced by Northco in cooperation with Shaian).This is CEO Hatsushiba’s own pet project and he has formed a dedicated design studio for it.