Louis Philippe deRouen

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Former Prime Minister Louis Philippe deRouen

Louis Philippe deRouen was born in TN 1881 in Newton. As a child prodigy with an astronomical I.Q, he always felt like he was different from others around him. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that he was different because he was superior. This was the beginning of deRouen’s megalomania, the personality trait that has dominated his life as an adult.

He is absolutely ruthless and considers the people around him as pawns in his power game. DeRouen came to power under unusual circumstances. In early TN 1919, he was a successful young lawyer who had just joined the Liberal Republican Party. Two seasons later, after a baffling series of scandals and backroom powerplays, deRouen emerged as prime minister of the Republic, earning him a reputation as a political genius.

DeRouen is believed to have one chink in his otherwise invulnerable political armor: his daughter Louise. The Prime Minister’s enemies claimed, with a fair amount of certainty, that deRouen intends to have Louise succeed him in office.

What few reports have sneaked past the army of bodyguards that protects her indicate that she is at least as brilliant as her father and may possibly outshine him.

DeRouen’s chief rival for power is believed to be Lord Protector Jacques Molay. Since his appointment as Lord Protector, Molay has been acting with unprecedented independence from the Estates-General. Political analysts are unsure whether Molay is blackmailing deRouen or if Molay’s ascension is all part of one of deRouen’s schemes.

The schism between the DeRouens and Molay would eventually lead to the Southern Civil War.