Jacques Molay

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Lord Protector Jacques Molay

The head of the AST, Jacques Molay was once a field agent of the Southern Republic Intelligence Directorate (SRID) and rose to be the director of that dreaded agency.

Although his history within the agency is hazy, he has been linked to dozens of violent covert operations and assassinations.

The most famous of these operations earned him his gruesome nickname — the Butcher of Basal — when, in 1920, he ordered the grisly execution of hundreds of civilians after suppressing a lowerclass uprising in the ESE city of Basal. The execution was performed by locking the rebels inside their headquarters and bombarding the building with incendiaries.

Molay became Lord Protector in TN1922 and has ruled the Curia with an iron fist ever since. He operates almost entirely with carte blanche from Republican Prime Minister deRouen because the two rose to power together, based on a secret pact. The two have become enemies, however, each waiting for the other to make a fatal mistake.