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The colonists who settled Terra Nova faced the classic problems of pioneers. Although the land was rich and fertile (at least in the temperate polar regions), the terrain of the new planet was rough and often impassable.

Early colonists had a world-wide infrastructure to build and only limited resources to do it with. All-terrain vehicles were a critical part of early efforts because of the lack of roads and the expense and difficulties of air travel. Wheeled ATVs quickly became ubiquitous, but even they had trouble with the most rugged terrain. The southern jungles and northern forests were often impassable. Even more troubling, all-terrain vehicles were usually simple transports and were unable to accomplish many of the necessary tasks in the construction and agricultural boom of colonization.

Walker vehicles, however, were available to most colonists. These simple utility power-loaders and generic construction vehicles proved rugged enough to be used in the harshest terrain. Although laboriously slow, walkers could be converted into bulldozers, tractors, lifters and a variety of other utility vehicles with the help of various attachments. The relative ease of transport over rugged terrain made walkers popular with many of the independent colonists and even with the large conglomerates. The interest of the latter ensured that a plentiful supply of walker vehicles made it to Terra Nova during the colonial period. Mass purchasing also made the walkers affordable enough for small colonist groups to purchase one for their homestead, along with the necessary attachments for most tasks. The most common of this long line of machines was a small cockpit/main body assembly known as the Hardhat.


Capable of utilizing a wide variety of tool limbs, this versatile walker was a big money-maker for its manufacturer, Henerman Utility, a Terran company with close relationships to several of the conglomerates colonizing Terra Nova. A very simple machine, the Hardhat was equipped with a primitive walk control computer and was about as difficult to drive as a tractor. Hardhats even looked like tractors with legs and arms. The cockpit was encased in a padded roll cage and had large shoulder modules to accommodate the powerful hydraulic servos of the arms. Its thick legs and broad feet gave it all the necessary support to lift heavy loads. These vehicles were so common on Terra Nova that many colonists came to refer to all utility walkers as Hardhats.

Hardhats became icons of the colonization effort, featured in Terranovan advertising campaigns on Earth and seen as a symbol of pride on Terra Nova. Trade shows were considered quite fashionable by the third generation of colonization, especially those that had agility contests. Some pilots could do incredible feats, such as juggling and dancing. There were also obstacle races and soccer-like games, as well as weight pulling competitions. Of course, some people customized their machines with special paint jobs and personal accessories, including vanity plates and fuzzy mascots.

Many civilian walkers such as the Groundhog and Prairie Dog would base themselves on the Hardhat core, and it would eventually inspire the Heavy Gear combat machine.