Fort Henry

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The Quiet Fort

The WFP city-state of Fort Henry is a much quieter town than Fort William. This city is a large military stronghold surrounded by vast fields dotted with armored factories. The dense urban setting required to nurture the shock music counter-culture simply does not exist here. Fort Henry is primarily an agricultural town; many different food crops and medicinal plants are grown in the surrounding farms. In addition, most farmers have covered their more barren fields with wind and solar energy farms. The municipal authority buys this power at a set rate and resells it to those without power-producing facilities.

The city has two major landmarks: the Fort Henry Medical Hospital and the Fort Henry Weapons Testing Range. The first is a leading medical research center where many of the treatments used to cure wartime injuries were developed. While not as well known as the Yele Medical Center, the research performed in Fort Henry proved crucial during the War of the Alliance. The second landmark is the only remaining mass-destruction weapon test site in the CNCS, placed in a desolate valley a good distance out of town (it owes its name to the fact that no other settlement is closer than Fort Henry). Three cycles ago, for the first time since the War of the Alliance, weapon trials began to test prototype antimatter bombs based upon captured Earth technology.

Fort Henry is home to powerful Maderas clan, known for its more conservative, careful approach to politics and diplomacy. Several other first clans also call Fort Henry home, including the Hernandez and Cristobal clans, both close allies of the Maderas family. Because it is not a major immigration post, Fort Henry has fewer new clans, although several of Badlander extraction are present. The most prominent of these is the Dupree clan, descended for Badlanders who hail from Wounded Knee. The current Captain of that smuggler’s den is Jeremiah Dupree, a distant relative of the Fort Henry Duprees; many in the WFP believe the family to be participant in the operations of the Kolson smuggling cartel.

Although it is nowhere near as remarkable as the hospital or testing range, Fort Henry is also home to the Third House Dojo. This small Shodokan karate school is sponsored by Proconsul Lang Regina, reputed to be one of the finest martial artists on Terra Nova, and run by her student Hernandez Simon. The dojo is reputed to be the best schools of its type and it has a massive waiting list of students. Hernandez and Lang choose the students themselves. Most, but not all, are Westerners. Lang is unaware that Hernandez has become disgruntled; he gave up a military career to run the dojo for her, but has not truly been brought into her inner circle. Since TN 1933, he has been feeding information to a man he knows a Juno Karl, whom he believes to be an agent of the Zucco clan. Juno is in fact a cover for Thiery Balsamo, and agent of the Southern Republic Intelligence Directorate.