Fort William

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Capital of the WFP

Fort William is by far the largest city in the Western Frontier Protectorate. It was the first of the three small cities that were fortified during the creation of the Protectorate. The city-state is a massive construct emerging out of the land, bold and very noticeable. The capital of the WFP reflects the character of its people: harsh, open and honest. Overlooking Fort William atop a high cliff is the Fortress, the military and legislative headquarters of the WFP. Near this space-age castle is the walled campus of the Western Military Academy, the top military college in the CNCS.

The city’s economy is diverse but the most notable local industries include mining, metal refining, and weapons production. Thanks to the great fields found on the land of the Protectorate, the city is self-supporting.The WFP military-industrial complex is unusually large for so small a nation. Many of its products are sold to allied nations or independent Badlands cities (preferably on the other side of the globe to avoid potential backlash). The most prominent military contractor in Fort William is Riley Weapon Systems, the largest weapons producer in the CNCS.

Williamites are generally an impatient lot. They tend to be short-tempered and aggressive. In order to help reduce conflict, the people of Fort William are usually very polite. It is likely, however, that any breach of etiquette will be interpreted as an insult. By far the most volatile segment of Fort William’s population is its youth. As with most youngsters, the adolescents of Fort William delight in doing the complete opposite of what their parents wish. Thus, this conservative city has one of the strongest youth counter-cultures of any city on Terra Nova. Much to the embarrassment of the Western Frontier Authorities, Fort William is the center of the underground shock music phenomenon and the international peace movement. Fort William shock musicians seem to have a natural advantage since their guttural local accent is perfect for the growling lyrics of shock music.

Fort William, despite its brusque and impatient atmosphere and its shock underground, is also a bastion of Western tradition. The first of the three forts, it is considered the home to many of the most prominent first clans. The largest is the Zucco clan, the single most powerful clan in the WFP. Ciudad Castel (“Castle City”) is one of the oldest parts of Fort William and was originally the colonial-era Zucco homestead. Other prominent first clans based in the city include the Gutierez and Ramirez clans (allies of the Zucco) and the Aznar clan (allies of the Maderas). Because it is the national capital, Fort William is also the destination of significant immigration and so is home to many new clans, most prominently the Sidhra clan. The Sidhra hail from the Irrian Plain and are merchants. They are close allies of the Zucco, however, because it was a Sidhra clergyman who converted Zucco Adriano to Revisionism in TN 1697.