Djakarata Point

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UMF's Mineral Deposit

High in the Tershaw Range is Djakarta Point, a city with only two resources: gold and silver. Humanity’s thirst for these two precious metals seems unquenchable, and Djakarta Point is located near some of the largest gold and silver deposits on Terra Nova. The city’s economy is dominated by the two metals. Mining and refining are the two largest industries. Many small luxury goods manufacturers transform the refined precious metals into cutlery, jewelry and works of art.

This mineral wealth made Djakarta Point a desirable target for the growing UMF. The city was a founding member of the Tershaw Cooperative Alliance, a small league between the UMF and NLC. It was nevertheless a target for acquisition and, when it refused to be swayed by diplomatic efforts, Djakarta Point found itself occupied by the UMFA. With little choice, the local government sued for peace and took its place in the UMF.

Djakarta Point has the unusual custom of minting its own currency. Whereas most transactions on Terra Nova involve either electronic transfers or paper currency, Djakartans prefer to use coins. The city mints silver coins in small mark denominations. Other common bills are replaced by gold coins. Although subject to fluctuations in the commodities markets, all Djakartan coins are approximately worth their face value in precious metals. While Djakartan coins are considered to be oddities in other cities, most businesses will accept them on par with CNCS mark notes.

Unfortunately for the people of Djakarta, their city’s vast wealth has attracted a strong criminal element. A significant portion of the city’s revenues are spent on supporting an elite anti-theft police unit. This protectiveness has earned the citizens of Djakarta Point a reputation as misers who are unwilling to share with their less fortunate neighbors. The fact that the vast majority of the city’s mineral wealth is exported to these neighbors seems to be conveniently overlooked.