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Socialist Outlier

Zagreb was one of the last city-states to join the UMF. During negotiations, the city’s authoritarian government received a written guarantee of its continued existence in perpetuity. This agreement produced a very unusual result. Zagreb is an island of extreme socialism in a highly capitalist society.

Zagreb’s economy is based upon grain production. All citizens are expected to work on the farms in order to improve their society. Rebellious voices are sought out by the city’s “Moral Guardians,” a form of thought police, and are sent to re-education camps where they are brainwashed with pro-government dogma. These practices are strongly opposed by the majority of the UMF population, leading the governments of the UMF and the CNCS to pressure the city-state to alter its ways. Much to the league’s and confederation’s dismay, their actions tend to strengthen the city’s resolve.

In response to the various pressure tactics, Zagreb has allied with Timmins and a few minor Badlands city-states to form the Social Economic Pact, a far leftist miniature league. The CNCS and UMF have both voiced their stern disapproval of this act, some going as far as calling it sedition. The CNCS has moved more troops into the border regions around Zagreb to ensure that political disagreement does not become an opportunity for the enemy. The Northern Guard Intelligence Service is also thought to be very active in Zagreb.