White Rock

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Center of the HA's Protection Force

The city-state of White Rock is situated in the tallest mountain ridge of the South. The top of the city’s water tower is the highest manmade point in the southern hemisphere. Yet, despite being built at dizzying heights, much of the city is underground. White Rock is the main production site for the Alliance’s machine tool and automotive industries. The Alliance’s elusive defensive industries are also found in White Rock, albeit buried under hundreds of meters of rock. Near these weapons factories is the underground bunker that is the nerve center of the Humanist Alliance Protection Force.

In early Winter, the city hosts the White Rock Automotive Open, a series of vehicle races around mountainsides and through tunnels. Most of the vehicles at the Open are super-tuned, custom-built models that push the limits of Terranovan technology. Since the results of these races are viewed by many leagues as an issue of national pride, most leagues will give financial support to citizens of theirs who enter the Open.

Deep within the rock facades of White Rock lies the central command facility of the Humanist Alliance Protection Force, the leagues police/military. The Central Command Facility is extremely well guarded and even Southern advisors have a hard time gaining access.

Rumor has it that many of the programs underway here are unauthorized by Port Oasis and tie into Operation Long Night. The South maintains a MILICIA base in an adjacent underground facility, but some whisper the HAPF can wipe it out if need be. The city-state holds one more mystery: named after its city of origin, the intoxicating and expensive White Rock Liqueur still puzzles connoisseurs with its secret recipe.