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“Strider” is the catch-all term used to designate non-humanoid weapon platforms that use legs for locomotion. The term is, of course, derived from the striding motion of the machine’s legs. While related to them both in form and technology, striders are more specialized units than Gears and lack their versatility. They carry more payload since they are usually bigger, but this has the unfortunate side-effect of making them easier to spot. Their size also precludes any kind of advanced maneuvering.

Striders have two to six legs and are equipped with large foot plates. This enables them to carry a heavier payload since there is more surface area to ensure stability and to distribute the weight onto the ground. A few smaller models have only two legs, but the enlarged feet are retained, often with articulated claws. Arms and manipulators are rarely used, and weapons are generally mounted on hull hardpoints and turrets.

Striders come into their own on rough terrain because their walker systems allow them to go where many traditional tanks and armored vehicles cannot. During the War of the Alliance, this allowed the Terranovan defenders to bring artillery support into the mountains of the Badlands. In the South, amphibious striders are used in jungles and swamps. Some striders, like the Southern Naga, feature a secondary wheeled movement system, but this is a rare feature.