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Capital of the HA

Perth was initially established by Earth’s International Geographic Society as a research station. Over the course of the colonial period, Perth became a gathering place for Terranovan intellectuals and scientists. When the colonial structure collapsed in TN 1464, the majority of these thinkers decided to stay on Terra Nova and establish a new society based on their own ideas. Sadly, few of these idealists could agree on what utopia was. After over a decade of chaos, Yuri Gropius managed to unite the population of Perth and form the Humanist Alliance. As new cities joined the Alliance seeking protection during the Reconstruction, Perth became the capital of the first Terranovan league.

Today, Perth is one of the largest cities on the planet, both in population and surface area. It sprawls along the northern shores of Lake Hawkins across to the Esperance Basin. Perched on a tall hill, the palace of the Illuminatus looms over the city. This white marble temple, called the Acropolis, serves the Illuminatus as both residence and executive offices.

All but the oldest sections of Perth were planned and built using a rigid geometric pattern. The entire city feels perfect. This effect is so pervasive that small imperfections like cracks in the sidewalk or random litter seem immediately out of place. While most Humanists find harmony and inspiration in this geometric nirvana, most foreigners instantly notice that something looks wrong about the city. It is just too regular, too artificial in nature. Only in the Old Quarter, which predates this geometric style, do outsiders feel comfortable.

Accordingly the Old Quarter is the place where most visitors can be found. Perth is home to two major universities: the University of Perth and the Perth Business Academy. The University of Perth is commonly accepted as the best university on Terra Nova. While other schools may be better in one field or another, the University of Perth offers the best overall education and is consistently excellent in any field. It is here that the Alliance educates its most promising preceptors.

The Perth Business Academy was specifically created to give merchants the specialized education they need to compete effectively with foreign rivals. Commoners who bear a degree from the Academy are often treated as if they had a caste of their own. Perth’s economy is heavily based upon its status as the capital. The city has almost twice the normal ratio of preceptors in order to staff government offices. High-technology industries like computers and electronics are also fairly common in Perth, as is aquatic farming. Many of the small businesses in Perth are based on fields which are considered to be too experimental or revolutionary elsewhere.