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Agricultural Center

The small city-state of Oxford lies in the middle of the fertile Tobian Plain in the HA. Oxford is an agricultural town, concentrating primarily on grain production, but supplementing this with a diverse selection of secondary crops. Aside from agriculture, a few small power producing stations are the only other profitable industry. Every season, the Oxford Agricultural Fair is held. This fair showcases every aspect of farming life including new animal breeds and plant strains. It is also the location of the only major equestrian event on Terra Nova, the Oxford Derby. The race is run along a two-kilometer, outdoor dirt track on the fairgrounds.

Although the city is a grain production center, Oxford is often said to be growing special “vegetables.” “Veggies” is the derogatory nickname given to students of the prestigious Oxford Academy of Science. The moniker derives from the school’s location in a former farming community and originated with somewhat envious students from other Humanist universities. Interestingly enough, despite its unsavory nickname, the Oxford Academy specializes in agriculture and biology. Some of the more successful agricultural methods have been developed by researchers from the Academy, which has earned Oxford a grudging respect.