Light Autocannon

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HG Light Autocannon.png

Light Autocannons are popular weapons because they are rugged, simple to design and inexpensive to field. Most come in the form of a Gear-sized rifle which uses clip or belt-fed ammunition. They are mounted in the turret and hull of several armored vehicles as secondary weapons.

The 25mm Riley M222 Autocannon is one of the most reliable weapons ever produced. It is used by almost all Hunter-class Gears and has been the basis for several designs. The southern Jäger trooper Gear uses a practically identical weapon made by Paxton Arms.

Notable Examples
  • 25mm Riley M222 Autocannon - A reliable weapon, it is used by almost all Hunter Heavy Gears and served as the basis for several other designs.[1]
  • PR-25 Autocannon Rifle - The Southern Republic version of the M222 Autocannon Rifle used by their Jäger Heavy Gears.


Purpose: Anti-Gear/Anti-Infantry
Effective Range: 800 m
Penetration: 65mm
Accuracy: Average
Mode of Fire: Burst
Usual Ammo Load: 60 shells


  1. Heavy Gears Rulebook (First Edition), p. 134