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Jerusalemism is a unification movement aimed at reintegrating all of the faiths derived from the Judeo-Christian belief system. It presently integrates Judaism, Christianity, Islam and fifteen later religions in a loose network of alliances. While each brand of Jerusalemism has its own specific set of beliefs, they all have a few things in common.

Each of these monotheistic creeds believes in a spiritual paradise, eternal damnation, redemption from sin and an immortal soul. Jerusalemism is most common among the lower classes of the ESE and the Republic. Contemporary Terranovan Jerusalemites, despite their many differences, generally recognize Erzach Ibn-Muhammad as a true prophet. A Reconstruction era preacher, he is said to have brought the Word of God to the abandoned colony world in its time of need.

The importance of Ibn-Muhammad in relation to other Prophets or Messiahs varies greatly from sect to sect.