Heavy Rocket Pack

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HG Heavy Rocket Pack.png

The Heavy Rocket Pack fires large unguided rockets on high arching trajectorys, typically for fire support and area saturation. It is large enough to occupy most of the back of the Heavy Gear or vehicle on which it is mounted.[1]

Notable Examples
  • 82mm Territorial Arms SCRP Heavy Rocket Pack - A common support weapon thanks to its simplicity and high rate of fire. Nicknamed the "Scrapper" due to its abbreviation and high damage potential.[1]


Purpose: Anti-Vehicle
Effective Range: 1200 m
Penetration: 400mm
Accuracy: Poor
Mode of Fire: Burst
Usual Ammo Load: 24 or 48 Rockets


  1. 1.0 1.1 Heavy Gears Rulebook (First Edition), p. 138