Franklin Harbor

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Healing Getaway

Franklin Harbor, the smallest city-state in the Northern Lights Confederacy, was originally founded as the northern terminus of the gamma maglev line when it was extended in the TN 750s. Located on the south shore of Lake Clearwater, the northern hemisphere’s largest body of water. Franklin Harbor appears to be an idyllic mountain community. In reality, the city is a bustling tourist site, always on the move. Almost all Terranovan travel guides expound the therapeutic effects of Franklin Harbor’s numerous health spas and resort facilities. Every year, millions of tourists come to the shores of Lake Clearwater to enjoy the healing virtues of mud baths, mineral springs, saunas and fresh mountain air.

The only major non-tourist industry in Franklin Harbor is the production of health foods. Everything from bottled water to all-natural saguaro paste is produced here. Entire health meals are prepared by skilled chefs, then are vacuum-sealed and sold to health conscious people everywhere on the planet. Presently, the most fashionable of these health products is “Mountainfresh” bottled spring water. The water is put in convoluted polymer bottles and shipped by whole crates to various city-states throughout the Northern hemisphere. It is even said that in the Badlands, serving this spring water to honored guests is considered a sign of great wealth.

Franklin Harbor is currently one of the hotbeds of religious conflict in the NLC. The site of several prominent Jerusalemite communes and the home to many Revisionist looking for an idyllic getaway, the city has seen ugly outbursts of intolerance in recent cycles. The death of Second Follower Hutchison has only made matters worse. Indeed, Autumn of TN 1935 witnessed a brutal attack on the Overlook Commune, the most prominent Jerusalemite cooperative in the city itself. Unidentified hooligans entered the commune and used molotov cocktails to start several fires; over two dozen residents were injured and three killed before the fire was brought under control.