Fragmentation Cannon

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HG Fragmentation Cannon.png

A Fragmentation Cannon is similar to the Snub Cannon but instead fires fragmentation shells which release flechettes. While each flechette causes little damage, the sheer number released almost guarantees the target will be hit.[1]

Notable Examples
  • 45mm Territorial Arms SG20 Fragmentation Cannon - Designed essentially as a shotgun for the Water Viper Heavy Gear model; it's special ceramic "Buckshot" ammunition is very effective..[1]


Purpose: Anti-Infantry/Anti-Gear
Effective Range: 400 m
Penetration: 50mm
Accuracy: Good
Mode of Fire: Single Shot
Usual Ammo Load: 16 shells


  1. 1.0 1.1 Heavy Gears Rulebook (First Edition), p. 136