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Dubious Tranquility

The city of Exeter is a model Norlight community. In fact, almost every government video displays scenes of Exeter to prove how patriotic NLC citizens are. Exeter’s streets are invariably clean. NLC flags fly on almost all private residences. Exeter’s city hall is a beautiful white marble building gilded with gold leaves. The city’s crime rate is almost non-existent and public disturbances are rare events. In fact, the city is so “pleasant” that it unnerves almost any visitor.

Exeter is a favorite topic among Northern conspiracy theorists. Some suggest that the city’s water supply is tainted with an untraceable drug that sedates the entire population. More outlandish individuals whisper about the government testing mind-control drugs on Exeter’s populace. At least once a month, a Northern tabloid headline screams about “Alien Mind-Control Lasers Dominating Exeter.”

While all this attention irritates some residents, most chuckle to themselves and occasionally try to spook a nervous tourist. Exeter’s economy is heavily reliant on agriculture, especially the dairy industry. Exeter’s most notable export is “Pride of Exeter” brand premium ice cream. Numerous Pride of Exeter shops have opened up all around the CNCS over the past forty years. Sales recently decreased, however, after the Norlight Inquirer reported that the Pride of Exeter brand ice cream was laced with mind-controlling substances. The ice cream’s manufacturer is currently suing the Northern Inquirer for libel and lost sales.

The city’s defenses are light but adequate. Given the Norlight Confederacy’s formal alliance with the United Mercantile Federation (Exeter’s closest neighbor), the government sees little need for increased military spending, even with the current state of affairs. The 18th Armored Regiment stationed in the city, along with the defensive fortifications, are deemed sufficient to guard the city against would-be attackers.