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Back Cover Blurb

"What's left to do?" Sergeant Major James Anders asked his commander in the decrepit old Jaguar. Anders knew it was only a matter of time before the end would come for the land fleet they had been guarding. The fleet officer had told the gear sections to retreat once the order was given.

"Not long, son. They'll give us the word," Colonel Arlens replied. At seventy nine cycles, the grizzled War of the Alliance veteran was nearly the oldest member in the provisional regiment. The unit had been thrown together at the last minute to defend the Protectorate from the approaching invaders. None of the pilots on the field were younger than fifty cycles and most were near the colonel's age. Sergeant Major James found himself on the younger end of the spectrum, but no less committed to the cause.

The WFN Defiance, an aging carrier class landship, groaned in protest at the relentless attacks from the CEF forces in the canyon. The massive carrier inched past the gears engaged in the hopeless fighting. Anders could hear the strain of the landship's repulsor magnetic system echoing throughout the canyon's walls. At that moment, Sergeant James Anders knew what he always understood when he volunteered for the mission. There would not be any escape. Only the honor of dying next to his fellow soldiers.

In the face of overwhelming odds and desperation, Maderas Betomas, commander of the Defiance, issued his final order, setting the canyon ablaze in a nuclear holocaust.

In the first days of the Second Invasion, Terra Nova was gripped in desperate fighting in multiple fronts; however, nowhere were the battles fiercer than in the Barrington Basin. Terra Nova Gambit - The War for Terra Nova Book 2 includes:

• Background Information on the CEF's Utopian Colonial Corp Allies.

• Utopian Uniforms, Ranks, Insignia, and Equipment.

• Technical Data on the Armiger Auto Control Suit and the N-KIDU Autos.

• Technical Data on the refitted HC-3 Command and Reconnaissance Vehicle.

• Rules for fielding Utopian Colonial Corp Armies and the new CEF HC-3 Combat Group.

• New Regiments of Note for the CEF, Utopia, and Black Talon.

• Advanced League and Campaign rules.

• Campaign Scenarios for the Barrington, Space, and the new PAK Front.

• Discover the fate of Colonel Arthur and the Port Arthur Korps.

• Datacards for each of the vehicles presented in the books.

Table of Contents


Desperate Measures

  Post-Concordat Era 

Utopian Dreams

Military Organization
  Utopian Colonial Corps 

Uniforms & Insignia
  Utopian Armiger Uniform 
  Corp and Branch Identification Pin 
  Utopian Dress Uniform 

Ranks And Medals


Armiger Automation Controller Suit 
  Development History 
  Operations History 

N-KIDU Drones

CEF HC-3 Command and Recon Car
  Development History 
  Operations History 

Scarab VTOL 

UCCN Orestes

Space Drone

Armies of Desolation

Fielding an Utopian Army
  Army Commander 
  Utopian N-KIDU Automatons 
  Command And Control
  N-KIDU Shared Intelligence Network 
  N-KIDU Durability 
  Coordinated Automaton Pin-Point Barrage 

Military Alliances
  Coordinating Forces
  Hidden Resistance 

Combat Groups
  Armiger Automaton Control Commando Troupe 
  Armiger Automaton Control Recce Troupe 
  Armiger Automaton Control Support Troupe
  Utopian Augmented Armored Infantry Troupe 
  N-KIDU Automaton Sin Cluster 
  CEF Rapid Reconnaissance and Patrol Squadron 

  Optional Rule: Using Characters In Blitz
  Lance Commander Morgan Wilden 
  Captain Vassily Gregov

Regiments of Note
  Cef 878th 'Apollo's Fire' Hovertank Battle Group
  Utopian 72nd Wayfarer Regiment
  Talon Force 8 'Ghost Takers', Utopian Operations 

Battlefield Wisdom 

League Advancement Rules
  Earning Rank
  Campaign Ribbons 
  Commendation Medals 
  Medals of Valor

Survivor Upgrades
  Movement Based Upgrades
  Defense Based Upgrades 
  Attack Based Upgrades
  Tactical & Observation Based Upgrades

Blood Red Skies, Burning Sands

Campaign Overview Map

Barrington Front 

The Right Thing To Do
  Tolver Canyon
  The Last Field Marshall
  Nuclear Wasteland 
  Massacre of The Survivors

The Once and Future Arthur

PAK Front 
  Fury of The Fallen
  Race Against Time 
  Escape From Godswell Valley

Terra Nova Gambit 

Space Front 
  Ship Jack!
  Last Flight of The Orestes

Flight To Hope


Character Datacards

Weapon Recognition