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Back Cover Blurb

Three days have passed since Marabou, home of the Southern MILICIA, was obliterated by the CEF. Today, Earth forces descend on Terra Nova, blackening the skies, as thousands upon thousands of drop pods block the rays of Helios from reaching our planet.

People of Terra Nova, we stand on the precipice of destruction. They have come, uncaring, inhumane, and relentless. But they will be stopped.

For those who have died, for those who will die and those who will be opposed, we must fight back. We will prevail!

-- Field Commander Miranda Petite in an address to Black Talon Forces TN 28 Summer 1950

Shattered Peace - The War for Terra Nova Book I includes:

• Stats and army information on the CEF’s allies from Eden.

• Stats and information on the CEF’s Commando Frame Squads.

• Schematics of the CEF’s new Assault Lander and HHT-90 Overlord Hovertank.

• Big Map of Terra Nova with all the battle fronts shown.

• Maps of each of the CEF’s seven drop zones and space battle.

• Multiple scenarios based around the opening days of the Battle for Terra Nova.

• Guidelines for linking Scenarios and running them as a mini campaign.

• Army, campaign and scenario sheets for home or campaign website use.

• Timeline Narratives set during the War for Terra Nova.

• Datacards for all vehicles presented in the book.

Table of Contents


  Rise of Kingdoms 

Eden Military Equipment 
CEF Military Equipment 
Edenite Army Rules 
  Combat Groups 
    Alpha Squad 
    Beta Squad 
    Kommando Squad
AL-11 Assault Lander Schematics 

HHT-90 Overlord Schematics 

Running a Campaign 

Campaign Styles 
  Rolling Battle Campaign 
  Interlinked Campaign 
  Theater of Operation Campaign 

Battle For Terra Nova as a Campaign 
  Choosing a Front 
  Getting Detailed 

Mission Objectives 

Terra Novan Fronts 

Esperance Front 
  Flight of The Skyhawks 
  Katona's Stand 

Mekong Front 
  Information is Ammunition 
  Meat Grinder 

Pacifica Front 
  Time is Not on Our Side 
  The Prisoner of Thebes 

Irrian Front 
  Crisis of Faith 
  Field Test 
  Repel The Boarders 
  Stand Against The Heathen 

Downing Front 
  Reconnoiter The Line 
  Fall Back! [Part 1] 
  Fall Back! [Part 2A] 
  Fall Back! [Part 2B] 
  Slowing at Rapid 

Badlands Fronts 
  Old Wounds, Eternal Grudges 
  Secrets in The Wastes 

Orbital Front 
  Intruder Alert 
  Barrington Front 
  Live Free and Die Hard! 
  Desperate Measures 
  Invasion - Day 3 


Gaming Resources 
  Scenario Sheet 
  Army/Combat Group Sheet 
  Campaign/League Tracking Sheet 
  Weapon Recognition