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Back Cover Blurb

The Heavy Gear universe is one of the richest settings ever designed for a science fiction game. Countless hours were spent developing a coherent, complex yet believable world that would capture the imaginations of casual readers and players alike. Only a tiny portion of the material created was ever shown, however. The Heavy Gear Design Works intends to remedy this by giving fans what they’ve been clamoring for: a “behind the scenes” look of the Dream Pod 9 works.

The Design Works showcase development sketches and out of print illustrations. Page after page of blueprint-like sketches and drawings display the evolution and functions of the principal vehicles and mechanical systems of the Heavy Gear universe, including the Gears themselves. Even the planet itself is featured through a series of breathtaking panoramic shots of the most famous Terranovan vistas, all presented in full color. Throughout the book, the design team explains the context, origin and function of all illustrations.

This manual is a must-have reference for all Heavy Gear readers and players, and will please all fans of serious, well-developed science fiction.