Ceramic Chips

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Ceramic Chips are computer chips used in many electronic devices. Colloquially they are also known as silicon chips, although compared to real silicon-based computer circuitry these chips used more advanced ceramic compounds and superconductors to dissipate heat at a superior rate, allowing for more circuits to be placed on a given surface to improve speed and processing power.[1]

While superior to computer chips from centuries past, ceramic ships are still incredibly slow when compared to NNet computers. Their chief advantage is their simplicity, making them easy to manufacture and extremely resistant to wear and tear. Ceramic chips are therefore found in many low-power and low-speed civilian applications such as simple appliances. They are also used by military forces in many simple yet important roles including sensor interpretation and system monitors.[1]

Externally ceramic chips look like bits of plastic or ceramic with metal connector pins sticking out. Within the military a system of color coding is in place, although for many years there was no standard. Following the War of the Alliance a semi-universal standard was instituted which included shape to help with identifying their function:[1]

  • Green/Rectangular, Round - Communication
  • Red/Triangular - Fire Control
  • Blue/Octagonal - Sensors
  • Yellow/Rectangular, Square - Mechanic/Monitoring
  • Black/Rectangular - Movement


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Heavy Gear Technical Manual, p. 11