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Cerachip is a electronic in the Heavy Gear universe. It is slang term for a ceramic advanced computer chip.


Silicon chips are the oldest form of computer technology still in use. Actually, “silicon” is a misnomer:this material has not been used for centuries, having been replaced by more advanced ceramic com-pounds and superconductors that dissipate heat better. Less heat means that more circuits can be placed on a given surface, decreasing the overall size of the chip and improving speed and processing power. However, the old name remains common in popular language; they are also often referred to as “cerachips.”

Externally, the chips still look like black or colored bits of plastic or ceramic with metal connector pins sticking out. Color coding is widely used in the military, although there is no set standard (which causes many, many problems for technicians working on unfamiliar circuitry). A rough set of universal standards did emerge during the War, though, and many of the newer vehicles carry such color-coded electronics. Shape is also a common indicator or the function of the chip, though not an absolute.

Although they are incredibly slow when compared to modern optical NNet systems, silicon chips have the advantage of simplicity, extreme ruggedness and ease of manufacture. Automated microfactories can turn them out by the handful if fed the correct raw material and given the time to lay out the precise circuitry within.

Cerachips are chiefly used for low-power and low-speed applications such as door controller mechanisms, low-tech appliances and the like. Military use finds them in simple but important circuitry such as pump relay controllers, sensor sub-interpreters and many types of system monitoring devices.

Some advanced chips boast self-diagnosis readouts and can offer limited troubleshooting advice - unfortunately, most often the advice is “this chip is burnt out. Replace as soon as possible.” The presence of a SD readout makes the task of identifying or evaluating the chip much easier and faster. The readout is sometimes faulty, however, and an incorrect evaluation can be provided: a good chip reads as a bad one and vice-versa. A good tech knows when to trust a readout or not

Modern ceramic chips can pack an awful lot of components onto a very small surface. Heat is not a problem since super-conducting links and ceramic compounds are used throughout. As a result, chip manufacturers tend to put more logic gates and other components than called for by the chip’s intended function. This does not raise the price of the chip appreciably and enables it to fulfill several possible tasks by simply switching a couple of jumpers inside the casing. Therefore, many techs carry scores of blank, usable chips ready to replace almost anything at a moment’s notice.

Types of Cerachips

  • Green chips are found in a rectangular shape. They are used for communication roles.
  • Blue chips are found in a Octogonal shape. They are used for sensors roles
  • Red chips are found in a triangular shape. They are used for fire control roles
  • Yellow chips are found in a rectangular shape. They are used in a Mechanic or Monitoring roles
  • Black chips are rectangle. They are used in movement roles.