Blazing Mamba

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The operational success of the elite stealth/sniper Snakeye Black Mamba and its TU-16 laser rifle inspired research into deploying other laser-equipped Mambas in other operational roles. The first outgrowth of this research was the Blazing Mamba, a laser-equipped assault unit. Laser weaponry can not only punch through armor, but can also target a specific vulnerable system on an enemy machine. The coupling of the Black Mamba’s highly advanced fire control system with these advantages can make for truly astounding precision work.

Unlike the Snakeye, the Blazing Mamba features only mild modifications, limited to the weapon systems. The weapons load of the Blazing was built around the FyStar Weapon Works Helios-13 rapid-fire laser cannon. Although the Helios-13 suffers from a rapid rate of beam dispersal, its ingenious combination of three lasing chambers allows the Blazing to lay down a steady stream of laser fire, if necessary.

This option is rarely used, however, since the capacitors of the cannon can store only a limited amount of shots before they require lengthy reloading. The Helios-13 is mounted under the right arm of the Blazing and is charged from the V-engine through heavy cables. The cannon is, unfortunately, very vulnerable to enemy fire.


The Blazing Mamba is usually deployed either in commando teams or as part of a light tank-hunting squad. Its airdroppable nature makes the Blazing a dangerous addition to elite insertion teams, but it shines most in dedicated assault missions. The Blazing Mamba is often deployed as part of a cadre consisting primarily of Black Adder tank hunters. Its job is to eliminate key systems on enemy units while the Adders punch through heavy armor with their assault guns. The removal of the Mamba’s Vogel-8 rocket pod to keep the weight down, however, created a lack of secondary weapons to supplement the Helios-13 cannon in case of breakdown or empty capacitors.

Some pilots have taken to carrying a MPGU-22 pack gun on missions, but the ammunition capacity of the laser cannon is usually large enough to last through a standard engagement.